Friday, April 22, 2011

Keeping Hearts, Biblical Training and Sibling Rivalry

 Recently I received a letter for help in my inbox:

Hi June,

I was wondering if you have ever thought about doing some posts about keeping your children's hearts.  Ways that you can build relationships with each child.  I am meaning practical things you can do.  

We are trying to raise our children differently then how we were raised and sometimes it is a struggle to know the how and why of things.  I would love to hear your ideas. Also do you have any suggestions about where I could gain some help about child rearing issues.  Sometimes I struggle with what to do.  Like what is a good way to handle ways when children continually do what they are told but only 1/2 way and so sloppy that it is not really done well at all.  Also I need some help on the sibling rivalry issues.  I want my children to be best friends and grow up to love each other not be so disconnected the way I feel with my brothers.  Sometimes I feel like I am lacking so much and I really don't know where to turn for the help I need.  That Titus 2 help I so long for. I hope you don't mind me asking these things. 

Blessings to you------A Sweet Reader

Thank you so much for this question! I know many readers would like to hear my answer to this so I am happy to share this question and my answer with the rest of my readersI have actually touched on some of these topics in the past- you can find some here at these categories in my sidebar:

Since these are heavy topics that cannot be fully covered within one post or a few series of posts adequately or thoroughly I am going to offer my favorite list of resources instead that our family has personally used and learned from and still refer to today.

Keeping Your Child's Heart: Your Vital Priority
if you need steps--this books gives plenty of steps, warning signs and how-to's on both mom and dad's roles
VERY good reading and food for thought also for some basics I recommend:
Shepherding Your Child's Heart--Ted Tripp

Biblical Parenting by Don Gilchrist
This book explains biblical parenting very practically and step by step in various circumstances.
We used to sell this book at our HomeBuilder's meeting and our online store, and many families benefited from it.

Christian Character by Gary Maldanar (my children still use this today) and humorous book they might enjoy would be

and if you or your child struggles with anger I cannot recommend this book highly enough:

The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo
Read it once for yourself and then read it a second  time to understand how it applies to your child! This is the best book I have seen on how to manage and deal with anger so far.

I will probably do some more posts to go more into depth into these topics if there is interest.

Hope this helps!
Have a blessed day building up your sacred home!

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