Friday, January 6, 2012

Fresh Homes and Purging

This past week we have been busy doing the usual purging of toys that comes after Christmas. We threw away old toys, broken toys, and toys we didn't want to clean up anymore to make way for the new.

We also tackled some painting projects. We tackled three rooms at one time. How did we do that? I assigned each of my children to do a room themselves with me overseeing and managing. It was fun, it got done, it wasn't perfect, but now we have freshly painted walls in three rooms!

 There still is alot to do (please don't look in my basement, we are tackling that next week) but we are so glad that we can start somewhere. January is really a great month to purge, declutter and get things organized.

A great motivator for us was stumbling across the show Hoarders. If you every want to get motivated decluttering your home, this show will do it for you:

(some things in the show series is not for children-use discretion)

Also, some books I would recommend for cleaning are:

Weekend Makeover:  
Take your Home from Messy to Magnificent in Only 48 hours!

This one is my all time favorites! When I want to get motivated, I pick this one up and miracles begin happening around our house...

Take the 31 day challenge and have Sarah Mae lovingly guide you through cleaning your home and having a vision to do it.

This book is not just for large families, its great for small ones too! Everything you can think of to manage your home and life. 

This book is a complete guide on how to clean everything you can think of in your home and perfect gift to put in a daughter's hopechest.

I know cleaning can be a struggle for many moms, it is hard to keep a space clean when you and your family are living there 24 hours a day.

 With a big family, one of the wisest things I think I have ever done was reduce what we own. Throwing out items in order to bring more simplicity into our lives. It seems that because we are a big family that we need to constantly reevaluate what we have and somehow everything STILL multiplies! But for the new year my desire is to simplify my life and reduce what takes maintenance so I can make room for what really matters.

I am spending the next two days cleaning like a mad woman. I am taking advantage of the mood before it goes away!

What projects do you like to tackle in January?


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