Showing posts with label Femininity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Femininity. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

NEW: Reclaiming Beauty Webinar

Elizabeth and Anna Sofia Botkin have just announced a NEW webinar entitled Reclaiming Beauty: A New Look of How to Glorify God with Your Body. My daughters and I have been blessed by their resources in the past such as Return of the Daughters and  What is Biblical Femininity (a favorite) so we are looking to listening to this. Here is a description from the Ladies Against Feminism site that we contribute at:

"What is beauty?

Some say beauty fits in a size 0. Some say beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Some say beauty is only skin deep. Some say beauty is only a quality of the heart. Some say beauty is truth. Some say beauty is a lie. Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some say beauty is as beauty does. Some say Elizabeth Taylor and Grace Kelly are beautiful. Some say everyone is beautiful. Some say beauty is divine. Some say beauty is corrupting.

From all this confusion, one idea emerges clearly: The world knows beauty matters. They talk a lot about it, write poetry and paint paintings celebrating it, and spend $160 billion dollars a year on it. But what’s equally clear is that they don’t know what it is. The question is: Do we?

Today’s young Christian women have grown up in the most image-obsessed generation in history, a generation that worships some of the most twisted ideals of beauty the world has ever seen. But whether we love them or hate them… they tend to shape our own perceptions of what beauty is. 

Some of us accept its ideals, and struggle to fit into its mold – others of us are repulsed by it, concluding that physical beauty itself is immodest, worldly, and unspiritual, and reject the realm of beautification completely. But when all we’ve ever seen is the counterfeit the world offers, we can sometimes forget that the world did not create beauty – God did. And though we all know the world has a lot to say about image, we sometimes don’t realize how much God does too.

 Read the rest and  HERE.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reaping What We Sow

When we faithfully instruct
our children in their daily routine,
we must remember that we can do this
 with feminine gentleness
 instead of brash harshness...

with His persuasive LOVE instead of destructive anger.

 And keep in mind that powerful truth--

that we will indeed reap
what we sow.

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.  Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

 -Galations 6:7-9


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Monday, January 9, 2012

Beautiful 1800's High Tea Birthday Party!

I love teas and just love sharing lovely tea parties with you here on the blog, and to celebrate National Tea Month in January we are going to have a week of tea themed posts AND get a chance to kick it off with a priceless look at a beautiful 1800's birthday tea party! Isn't that just so exciting? Indeed! So here we go...

The first thing you need to know is that all the credit goes to Muriel Hedgcock. She created this lovely event for her daughter and here is what she had to say:

"We enjoyed planning and working together as a mother and daughter team preparing for my daughter's 18th Birthday High Tea. To add to the decor we each did a painting. Caitie painted an 1800's style self-portrait for fun, and I did the backdrop of a window scene of an English rose garden. We made place cards and attempted making sugar roses for the first time. It gave us a lovely mother and daughter time of fun & challenge. Our guests all came dressed up for the occasion and brought beautiful poems, songs and musical pieces to share with us. We all joined in the regency dancing my daughter had prepared, which added to a delightful afternoon that will be a most memorable one."

This was my daughter's Birthday address:

This 18th birthday tea party has an 1800s theme, and this is not only for a chance to dress up and do things that are very different to usual. The 1800s was a time that had its problems, but it was also a time in which the differences between ladylike behaviour and unladylike behaviour, propriety and impropriety, politeness and bad manners, and a gentle, quiet spirit and a loud and rebellious attitude, were clearly defined in strong contrasts.

We have in the world today a crisis of femininity, modesty, and propriety. This party was meant to be an opportunity to display these virtues.

1 Pet. 3:3,4 reads, “Do not let your adornment be merely outward – arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel – rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”

Prov. 31:30, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”

I hope you all thoroughly enjoy this high tea, and we pray that it will be a great blessing to all of you.

(Absolutely stunning!)

Wow--Muriel, thank you so much for allowing us to to view and share the beauty of this day. All the time, hard work, and effort was well invested in your relationship in growing memories with your precious daughter. 

We are sure this is one birthday that she will never forget!

Now, my dear readers, if you would like to see more inspiration for tea parties (perhaps you'd like to plan on this year for your daughter), feel free to click here.


If you are looking for a place to get great tea to do some celebrating,
click HERE or HERE.

Looking for pretty tea china?

Heirloom quality tea set to pack in her hopechest?

We hope you enjoyed viewing these pictures!


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Linking with Far Above Rubies

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Feminine Godliness

I love getting a Christian man's perspective on femininity because it is often a convicting and great reminder of what God truly values.

Today my husband, Steve, has written a guest post for sweet Jasmine over at Far Above Rubies entitled:

I hope you enjoy it! 

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Adventurous Femininity

The Botkin daughters have a new CD release out!

When Being “Girly” Is Not Enough

Here is the description:

Which activity is more feminine: embroidering a pin cushion or digging up ancient artifacts in a foreign land? The answer may surprise you. In this practical message from Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin, femininity is examined in terms of how a young woman can fulfill her unique calling within her family—not by defining which adventures and activities girls “can” or “can’t” enjoy. The exhortation to young women is clear: Do not pursue a brand of femininity that is so obsessed with its own girliness that you can’t get your hands dirty with real service for Christ.
I am looking forward to listening to this, I have always enjoyed their teachings and highly recommend them! We are so encouraged as we see the Botkin family have goals as a family and are on a  mission to help reform culture to the glory of God, our prayers are with them as they seek to do this. We have enjoyed many of their past teachings as well. I hope you and your sweet daughters enjoy this one!

Many blessings!


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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fathers, Daughters, Butterflies and High Tea


need time

with their fathers...

I've heard it's wonderful. 

If you are able to attend, definitely do!


If you are looking for a set of beautiful heirloom teacups to buy for your daughter or her hope chest
look no further! Click here for the perfect set.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sense and Sensibility

Look at the beautiful details of this dress...

It is from a 1780's portrait gown pattern...sigh...don't you just love it?

and look at these:

So lovely and looks like she is straight from a classic art painting...

I suddenly have the urge to watch Jane Austen movies!

My friend, Mrs. Jennie Chancey, has these patterns at her lovely store:

Sense and Sensibility Patterns

Be sure to stop by and visit!


She also has amazing patterns for little girls too!

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