Yesterday we attended for the first time a lovely event called Homeschool Day at the Capitol in Indianapolis. As homeschoolers we love to take our children out to visit special events for a richer learning experience in the form of a field trip.
Here are some pictures of our day:
The outside of the Capitol building, here is my husband with our children...
The inside where we got to listen to men who encouraged us in our homeschool journey and told us to continue to "fight the battle", "to do the right thing" and that "one family can make a difference".
Our friend and State Representative,
Timothy Wesco, gave us a private tour of the building along with our good friends, the
Devine family. My daughter baked him some homemade cookies that she was able to share with him and some other men who were defending our freedoms to homeschool. He took us to see the inside of the Supreme Court...
It was quite a grand room and the ceiling had the most amazing and beautiful details
Large pictures of past judges scattered over the walls made you feel like you were taking a step back into history
the Law Library...
My son, Stephen, checking out the thousands of books there.
and the House of Representatives while they were having a legislative session...this is where they vote on different amendments and laws, etc.
It really was a great reminder to me of how we need to pray for the law makers of this land and that our very freedom to homeschool can be taken away quickly if we do not speak up and defend them. A scary thought when you think of it .
There were several of these beautiful statues and somehow we only managed to get one picture and it was blurry. :(
My Future World Changers
Left to right: Josiah, Christian, Joshua, Joy, Ravi, Stephen, Naomi and Janai
The building cost about 2 million and took 10 years to complete and they came in under budget. Amazing!
Me and my best friend, Steve.
Later we went out and enjoyed the rest of the day at the
Indianapolis Children's Museum which is the largest in America--the kids had a blast!
Hope you enjoyed our pictures!
By the way, if you are looking for great homeschooling materials I suggest you check
here and
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