Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Stockings

Evey year we have a tradition in our family and that is our stockings. I remember reading awhile back about the story of the simple stocking stuffers on Little House on the Prairie--Laura and Mary found an orange, a tin cup, hard candy and a penny. It was the best Christmas ever for them.

I liked the simplicity of the idea and thought I would make some memories as well. Now every Christmas I stuff the stockings with a special breakfast. Yes, I said breakfast! When the children all arise, my husband and I are still asleep, so they are allowed to open their stockings without us. Inside they find cereal boxes, apple sauce cups, boxes of raisins, granola bars, cheese and crackers, juice boxes, and of course--an orange!

This works perfectly for us because it buys us some time to get up, get oriented, get dressed, etc. while they eat and breakfast is taken care of (no extra work for mom!) It is also healthy and my kids love it. They sit around the tree eating their stocking breakfast until everyone comes out.

Now don't get me wrong, I do prepare a nice, hot, special Christmas meal after the gift opening, but I personally like that we can get to the presents faster, and I think they appreciate that too!

Oh, and that is not the only thing we add in the stockings--we also add small gifts/toys, chocolates, etc but for everyone the highlight is still the "stocking breakfast"!

Do you have any special traditions at your home?

Here are some Christmas links of you might also want to visit:

Keeping Christ in Christmas

Surrendering Our Stuff

Pre-Christmas Toy Purge

Christmas Doll Tea Party

The Perfect Christmas Gift 

The Christmas To Do List

A "1 Corinthian's 13" Christmas

18 Ways to Have a Meaningful Christmas


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