Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mothers as Shepherds

 I found an encouraging post by Nancy Wilson over at Femina...

"Mothers of children, let me tell you something.

You are like a pastor to your children. You must feed them like a good pastor does. You must know how each one is doing. Each and every one. You must make sure each child is receiving love and attention, that each feels loved as a special member of this family/congregation of yours.  You must see that each one is washed and clothed and fed. And you must be available at all hours to minister to these little or big ones. You may not ignore them or put them off. The way you love and teach them is showing them what God is like. You are teaching them about God, about His world and His Word, and you are teaching them who they are in the Big Story God is writing. This is momentous work...

 ...Don’t take this lightly. Learn to be a good shepherd to your children. Read the Scriptures and take them to heart. Don’t compare your little flock with the other flocks. Compare your flock with what God wants from you, not from what you think will impress others. Are you being faithful with what He has given you? That is what counts.

Read the rest HERE.

I also just received her book Building Her House: Commonsensical Wisdom for Christian Women in the mail and now reading through it. This is just one of the MANY books I will be gleaning through in the new year.

You will be hearing more about this book later! If you'd like to read along with me, get it HERE.

(Remember---readers are leaders!)

What new books are on your reading list for next year?


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